4TREND INDICATORS generates leading indicators und analyzes Big Data. It focuses on the affinities of 2.4 billion Internet users and more than 1 billion social media users. In addition, 4TREND.ch examines new relevant data collected from the real economy and puts them in relation to Big Data. This results in leading indicators for the global economy and its various sectors. We also offer trend analysis of consumer awareness, brands and reputation. Early warning systems and a variety of rankings complement the portfolio.

Knowledge Cluster 

4TREND INDICATORS is a startup project by Hans Peter Arnold (hanspeter.arnold@4trend.ch). His expertise is backed up by extensive experience with trend analysis, content analysis and leading Indicators. As former financial editor in Zurich, his knowledge in these methods and issues is noteworthy. 

4TREND consists of a network of experts. Due to various global analyses in over 50 languages, a center of excellence in Asia was established. The competence center in Manila, Philippines is directed by educator, linguist, and textbook author Lora Joy Milan (lora.milan@4trend.ch). Consequently, she is also responsible for strengthening academic ties and building media relations.

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